Headache treatment in Pune

Headache Treatment in Pune

Headaches are a prevalent condition that the majority of individuals will encounter numerous times throughout their lives. The primary symptom involves pain in the head or face, which can manifest as throbbing, constant, sharp, or dull. Treatment options for headaches include medication, stress management, and biofeedback.

It’s important to recognize that headaches can be more intricate than commonly perceived. Various types come with distinct symptoms, triggers, and necessitate specific forms of treatment. Once the specific type of headache is identified, you and your doctor can collaboratively determine the most effective treatment, and in some cases, explore preventive measures to mitigate their occurrence.

How common are headaches in adults?

Throbbing head? You’re certainly not alone. Headaches stand out as one of the most widespread pain conditions globally. A staggering 75% of adults worldwide have experienced a headache in the past year.

Beyond the physical discomfort, headaches significantly contribute to absenteeism from work and school, impacting social and family life. Persistent battles with headaches can even take an emotional toll, leading some individuals to experience feelings of anxiety and depression.

What are the types of headaches?

There are more than 150 types of headache. They fall into two main categories: primary and secondary headaches.

Primary headaches

Primary headaches are those that aren’t due to another medical condition. The category includes:

  • Cluster headaches.
  • Migraine.
  • New daily persistent headaches (NDPH).
  • Tension headaches.

Secondary headaches

Secondary headaches are related to another medical condition, such as:

  • Disease of blood vessels in the brain.
  • Head injury.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Infection.
  • Medication overuse.
  • Sinus congestion.
  • Trauma.
  • Tumor.

What headache symptoms require immediate medical care?

If you or your child experiences any of the following headache symptoms, seek immediate medical attention:

1. A sudden, severe headache
2. A headache accompanied by neurological symptoms such as:
– Weakness
– Dizziness
– Sudden loss of balance or falling
– Numbness or tingling
– Paralysis
– Speech difficulties
– Mental confusion
– Seizures
– Personality changes/inappropriate behavior
– Vision changes (blurry vision, double vision, or blind spots)
3. Headache with additional concerning symptoms like fever, shortness of breath, stiff neck, or rash
4. Headache pain that wakes you up at night
5. Headaches associated with severe nausea and vomiting
6. Headaches occurring after a head injury or accident
7. Development of a new type of headache after the age of 55

These symptoms may indicate serious underlying issues, and prompt medical care is essential for proper evaluation and intervention.

How can I prevent headaches?

Dr. Vishal Deshpande, a headache specialist in Pune recommends a personalized approach to prevent headaches. Identifying causes is crucial as they vary from person to person; what causes a headache for one may not affect others. Once reasons are pinpointed, avoidance or minimization becomes key.

For instance, if strong scents trigger headaches, steering clear of perfumes and scented products can significantly reduce the frequency of headaches. The same principle applies to other common causes like certain foods, insufficient sleep, and poor posture.

However, recognizing and avoiding triggers isn’t always feasible for everyone. In such cases, a more tailored and multidisciplinary strategy, guided by Dr. Vishal Deshpande (Neurologist in Pune) can be instrumental in headache prevention. This approach takes into account individual factors, offering a comprehensive plan for those who may struggle with trigger avoidance or identification.